Happy Birthday U.S.A., and Aubrey Jo who is 1 month old today. Aubrey is tipping the scale at 10 pounds these days and she is about 21 inches long. Like I have said in previous posts she is getting so big so fast. We celebrated her first big holiday by going to see the fireworks out in Battlefield. Of course my little mellow baby slept through the whole thing. My mom is in town this weekend because she just couldn't stand to be away any longer. She will be back on Thursday with My cousins Brandi and Emily. Gabe's dad got to come see Aubrey again and OH MY GOSH GUESS WHAT...Slept on him.
She is getting soooooo strong with her head, she will throw herself around with it, she stands up with help, stretching out those long legs. She has grown out of her newborn diapers and is on to size 1, just another reminder of how much she has grown in just 1 month. We are excited for Gabe's sister to get here to meet the new addition, since the last time we saw her, I was actually pregnant and didn't know it :) Irony at it's best. I am hoping Aunt Shauna and Mommy will get to go out for some drinks. Daddy gets the baby and I have stocked up on the milk for just this occasion. Let's see, Let's see, I am trying to think of any other new developments. She is still in love with her swing, sleeping in all the time. She slept for 4 hours last night :) it was quite nice. I just can not say enough about my little girl she is sooooooo wonderful. I am still somewhat in shock, it seems surreal since technically I was due last Monday. I am so glad that she was early so that I got to spend an extra 3 weeks with her before my very hectic, stressful school year starts. One more semester, and then student teaching (YEA, pretty much a full time job with no salary). Well, I will post any new updates when they happen.
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